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Easily grow and monetise your newsletter with our Email Sponsorship Services.

Perfect for any size newsletter — services to help you make your first dollar in sponsorship, right through to done-for-you sponsor outreach.

Getting email sponsors alone

  • Rely on inbound (spikes and slumps in income)
  • Spend time learning - cold emailing and cold DM-ing
  • Subscribe to expensive cold email marketing tools
  • Learn the technicalities of using cold email tools
  • Reach out consistently to 100+ sponsors a month 
  • Spend time tinkering with cold email campaigns
  • Build or buy new prospect lists every month
  • Loose focus on growing your newsletter
  • Loose focus on publishing a 10/10 issue every time

Using our affordable services

  • Receive new sponsor placements every week  
  • Get contact details of new sponsor placements 
  • Get 'similar company' information to contact 'untapped sponsors/competitors' of companies that are currently advertising in newsletters
  • Get notified when an sponsor is actively looking to advertise in a newsletter
  • Done-for-you tailored cold email outreach campaigns
  • Never sign up to a cold email marketing tool
  • Never hire internal cold outbound staff 
  • Never have to build your own sponsor prospect list
  • Focus entirely on publishing a 10/10 issue 


I needed a service like this, that didn't break the bank. Now I can systematically reach out to advertisers without wasting my own time on research - I'm very happy. 

Geena Sudra
Newsletter operator


It's so easy to use. I log in, filter and quickly find sponsors to contact. It's up there with one of the best investments I've made for my newsletter business - Thanks guys.

Dr Rohan Weerasinghe
Newsletter operator

💡 There's a better way 

We understand that there are different stages of newsletter growth and monetisation. Therefore we've designed services that help you regardless of your size:

📧 0 - 5,000 subscribers or $100 average monthly advertising rates — focus on reaching out to sponsors with our free data.

 ✍️ 5,000 -10,000 subscribers or $200 average monthly advertising rates — focus on reaching out to sponsors with our premium sponsorship data.

💰 10,000 - 50,000 subscribers or $500 average monthly advertising rates — join our sponsor club and get alerted when a sponsor is actively looking to advertise in newsletters.

⚙️ 50,000+ subscribers or $2,000+ average monthly advertising rates — apply for our done-for-you tailored cold email marketing outreach and get connected with sponsors interested specifically in your newsletter.

Here's more information on each plan:

Here's how each plan works:

Diamond Data: Premium data 
  • Find out what companies are actively sponsoring newsletters
  • Get their contact details to enquire about your newsletter
  • Get 'similar companies' information to approach 'untapped sponsors'
  • Updated weekly
  • Easy to use, filter and sort data table
  • Download CSV to load into your CRM
  • Access via your data hub

Perfect for: newsletters that want to do their own cold outreach and want a first mover advantage on hot sponsors and their competitors.

Savings: reduce need to build your own lists, buy lists or undertake your own research.

Click here to learn more about the Data Diamond package.

Sponsors Club: Get notified of active sponsors
  • We have industry and niche campaigns live at all times
  • Join the club, to get notified when a sponsor responds and is actively looking for a newsletter to sponsor
  • Get notified via an exclusive email list
  • Reply and let us know
  • We'll connect you with the sponsor
  • We don't charge you a commission.

Perfect for: busy newsletter publishers that want to have a flow of inbound sponsors.

Savings: reduce need to build your own list, do intensive outbound, subscribe to expensive cold email marketing tools.

Personal Prospector: Tailored cold email marketing campaigns
  • We'll design a cold outreach plan specially for your newsletter
  • Includes building targeted prospect lists, cold email campaigns 
  • We'll connect you with sponsors who are interested in your newsletter

Perfect for: established publishers that want to outsource or supplement their sponsor outreach.

Savings: don't need to hire internal staff, buy or build prospect lists, develop internal systems and subscribe to expensive cold email tools.

We help sponsors find your newsletter.

Plans for any size newsletter. Scale with us.

Lowest priced sponsor data on the market


Make your entire year investment back with your first sponsorship


Save money on hiring in house, building lists and subscribing to cold email tools


Need help selecting a plan? Email us at contact@emailsponsorship.com or DM me on Twitter.
Our Guarantee

This month we'll spend 100+ hours curating data and running cold email outreach for our Email Sponsors' customers. We'll then email them that data weekly, notify them of active sponsors and run tailor-made campaigns. Therefore we don't offer any money back guarantees, because the data has now been seen and the work has been don. It's like buying a book, reading it cover to cover and then asking for a refund. However if you feel our data, club or done-for-you service does not help you get sponsored or build relationships, then you can cancel at anytime, hassle free. Important: We don't guarantee you will get sponsored. We do guarantee to save you hours in research time and £100's on tools and tech costs.

FAQ & Tips

What industry or niches do you cover?

Eco-friendly products and practices, remote work and digital nomads, AI, automation, machine learning, robotics, virtual assistants, AR and VR, health, e-commerce, online shopping, entrepreneurship, startups, automative, sports, travel, cybersecurity, blockchain, web3, home and hacks, investments, stocks, personal finance and money.
If you have a niche that you would like us to include contact us and let's talk.

Will I receive alerts from sponsors that are not in my niche when I join the 'Sponsor Club'?

At the moment, yes. Receiving only your niche alerts is something we hope to introduce in the future. In the meantime, we make it clear what the best niche is. Plus there is an opportunity to educate sponsors on why your audience is suitable for their product or service.

How many sponsors can I expect to connected with in the 'Sponsor Club'?

We aim to connect you with minimum one interested sponsor a month, a solid ROI. Anything above that consider it a bonus and an excellent ROI.

Do you close the sponsor or have a sales team?
At the moment, no. We'll update you if we expand our service.

Can I cancel?
Yes, whilst we don't do refunds, we do have 100% no-hassle cancellation.

Am I going to compete with other newsletters?
Yes and no. Yes because newsletters in general are all competing for sponsorship. But would you rather compete with us in your corner? Yes. And we'd want to compete with high-quality newsletters in our corner. No because if a company is sponsoring a newsletter, they are more likely to want to sponsor yours (niche dependant).

What is the source of your data?

We aggregate and curate publicly available data to save you time and money.

Do you guarantee I'll get sponsored?

Unfortunately no. But we can guarantee weekly data, easy to use data, easy to filter data, email alerts and tailor-made cold email campaigns (depending on plan selected).

Unsure which plan is right for you?

Email me at contact@emailsponsorship.com or twitter here.

Easily find email sponsors for your newsletter. Whatever your size.